Thursday 31 July 2014

Regards Doctor Who Deep Freeze

I would like to give my apologies to WD Stevens of illusionist productions. I made a few errors in my last post and one of the mistakes I made is I forgot to include a link back to the official illusionist productions page. Illusionist productions can be found here:

I thought rather than edit my entry on my blog I would write a fresh entry. I would like to personally thank WD Stevens for his patients, as the recording of my lines didn’t run smoothly. This was mainly because I was having trouble with obtaining high enough quality sound on the recording of my lines.

However we managed to overcome any setbacks and production was completed. The end results I think you will agree has made this project extremely worthwhile.

I have also got plans for a new audio podcast interview/chat show that’ll be available on sound cloud called “Lee chats with”. WD Stevens has agreed to be interviewed for a future podcast. Watch this space for further updates.

The Doctor is captured by an alien entity leaving Luna and Penelope stranded on Earth in the mid-90s. But that isn't the least of their worries. A mad pack of dogs is terrorising South London and even UNIT don't know what to do and the only person who could know for sure is being held in a terrible icy prison.

Written by W.D. Stevens & Tom Denham

Directed by W.D. Stevens

Incidental Music by W.D. Stevens

Theme Arr. Ned Warren

Tom Denham (The Doctor), Nari Riis (Luna),
Elice Rebecca (Penelope), Jessica Hayden (The Empress/Prof. Dreyford),
W.D. Stevens (Col. Theodore), Lee Smith (Cpt. Manson),
Mitchell Smith (Mr. Tes Heat)

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